Monday, October 30, 2017

November 22, 1969 Easton, Maryland John Doe

On November 22, 1969 a heist of the Holiday Inn in Easton, Maryland was planned. What the people doing the heist didn't know is that someone left a tip with the police that it was going to happen. Two police officers were waiting in the office of the hotel for the heist to start.  The unidentified man turned and pointed his gun towards police officer Myers. Myers shot the man causing his death. 

It was this man and four other people involved with the robbery. Joseph Queen age 24 of Philadelphia, Howard D. Queen age 32 of Philadelphia and Royal Oak, Charles H. Denshields age 24 of Easton; and Charles R. West age 23 of Washington D.C. 

A couple of newspapers claimed that he had been Identified as 24 year old  Donald Jones of Washington D.C. It is unknown to me if it was a false identification and or if the Newspapers got it wrong at the time or if he was not officially identified as Donald Jones. His NamUs does not mention this.

He was a 20 to 29 year African American male. He was around 5'7 and 155 lbs. Eye and hair color are not listed, but it could be possible his hair was black or dark brown. He was sporting a goatee and a thin mustache. He was circumcised and has a blood type B. He was wearing a pair red shorts, a undershirt, a pair green short pants, a pair blue checked pants, a blue sweater, a black vest, a pair brown ladies gloves, and brown shoes.

But he is listed on Namus with DNA available, but not submitted. He doesn't have Dentals and fingerprints available.


Murder of Jake Burrell

On Friday May 17, 1969 48 year old Jake H. Burrell was last seen alive leaving the old B&R Bar on North Lexington Ave. in Asheville, North Carolina. The next day two men stumbled upon his body around 8:15 p.m. partly in a door way in the alley behind 9 Walnut. He was beaten to death. He had a skull fracture near the left ear and his death was the result of internal bleeding due to an abdominal hemorrhaging.

He was described as being mostly naked. All his clothes had been torn from his body other than a part of his shirt and a sock. This was not due to sexual assault, but due to his body being dragged from Carolina Lane to 121 feet down the alley where he was found. His clothing was found in a 50 ft. radius.

More than likely Jake was killed during the act of a mugging. His wallet could not be found with his body. His car  was found locked and had not been moved. The mugger did not mess with his car. it was found in the bank parking lot where he typically parked it.


Disappearance of Albert C. Vigneau and Gregory O. Georgantis

On October 30, 1980 both Albert C. Vigneau and Gregory O. Georgantis both went missing from Warwick, Rhode Island. It is possible that they were part of Organized Crime as they were suspected to be victims of it. It is believed that both men are dead.

Albert C. Vigneau was a 30 year old white male. He was around 6'1 and around 175 lbs. He had brown hair and brown eyes. DNA, Dentals and Fingerprints are not available for Albert.

Gregory O. Georgantis was a 33 year old white male. He was around 5'7 and 185 lbs. He had brown hair and brown eyes. DNA, Dentals, and Fingerprints are not available for Gregory.


Thursday, October 26, 2017

October 23, 1977 Anaheim, California Jane Doe

On October 23, 1977 a woman unfortunately decided to take her life. She stepped into The oncoming train at on Santa Fe Rail Road Tracks at SR 57 in Anaheim, California.

She was a white female 20 to 30 years old. She was around 5'2 and 160 lbs. She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She was described as having a normal physique. She was wearing a medium Sears brand beige and dark brown sweatshirt, a white bra, and a pair of rust colored trousers similar to Levi's, waist size 34, and a size 6 brown wedge heel sandals. She also had a bus pass with her.

Other Images:


Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Disappearance of Jonathan Stewart Campbell

18 year old Jonathan Stewart Campbell or Also Known as John was a student at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. On February 16, 1985 John was last seen on campus. He may have frequented recreational areas and Camping areas. Police believe that his disappearance was suspicious and he may have been kidnapped.

John is a white male and was 18 at the time he disappeared. He has blonde or strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. He was 5'11 to 6'0 and around 160 lbs. He has freckles and skin discoloration on his face.He has a patch of light colored skin on his neck near his left shoulder. He is also circumcised. He was also depressed at the time. He was last seen wearing a knee length green/ grey trench coat and had his wallet. 

He has Dental, Fingerprints, and DNA available.

Other images:
Age Progressed Image


WANTED: Alphonso Angel Diaz-Juarez

Alphonso Angel Diaz-Jaurez is wanted for alleged offenses pertaining to human trafficking, and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, and harboring illegal aliens of undocumented Mexican women and girls. Sex-Trafficking conspiracy was believed to have happened between 1999 and October of 2013. They relied on Padrotes or pimps to supply the women for brothels, bars, and cantinas operated by the organization.

Diaz-Juarez is was considered a pimp. It was revealed that some women and girls were compelled into performing commercial sex acts through the use of force, fraud, coercion, or a combination of the following. He also used locked rooms to maintain control over the young women and girls. Diaz-Juarez used force and/or violence to punish and control young females he prostituted in the Houston area.

In October 2013 he was originally indicted with 13 other traffickers in his organization and he is the only one who's still a fugitive. He was charged in Texas, but has ties with Florida and Mexico. He is reportedly one of the most violent individuals in the organization. If seen do not confront call the police and or the closest American Embassy and or Consulate.

Aliases that Diaz-Juarez use is Alfonso Angel Diaz, Alfonso Angel-Diaz, Poncho Diaz, "Poncho", Javier Perez-Garcia, "El Greñas". He is a Latino Male born on August 2, 1968 in the State of Puebla, Mexico. He had black hair and brown eyes. He is approximately 5'2 and 160 lbs. He has a scar from having his appendix removed. His previous jobs include Demolition and asbestos removal.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

October 23, 1993 Los Angeles, California John Doe

On October 23, 1993 in Los Angeles, California a man was found in a hotel room. He had unfortunately taken cyanide pill and committed suicide. He was a white male between 30 to 45 years old. He was around 5'9 and 182 lbs. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He had no tattoos. He was wearing a red polo, tan pants, brown belt, white briefs and brown shoes. He was also wearing a yellow wedding band, and was in possession of a BMW key.


Monday, October 23, 2017

August 14, 1971 Dekoven, Kentucky John Doe

On August 14, 1971 the body of a man was found decomposing in the Ohio River in Dekoven, Kentucky. He had died within that week, but the body was too decomposed to recognizable.This case has a low possibility of being solved.

He was a white male believed to be an adult that was Pre 50 years old. He was around 5'8 and 145 lbs. He had shoulder length brown hair, and possibly brown eyes. He was wearing jeans or pants.

He doesn't have Fingerprints, Dentals or DNA available.


Friday, October 20, 2017

1972 Fairfax County, Virginia John Doe

On June 13, 1972, the nude body of an African American child was found in Massey Creek near the I-95 exit near Lorton, Virginia in Fairfax County. He had been beaten about the head with a weapon and then tossed into the river.

He was an African American male child between the ages of 3 to 6. He was 4 ft tall and 50 lbs. He had brown eyes and black hair.

He has mitochondrial DNA available.


Murder of Shirley Jane Rose

On Friday October 17, 1975 in Springfield, Missouri 9 year old Shirley Jane Rose walked home from her Grandparents home on S West St. to her home on Scenic between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. A path that she had taken many times without any problems. But when the 9 year old never made it home her family got worried. Her mother then called the Springfield police and there was an intense search for the young girl by police, citizens, family, and friends.

Witnesses reported that they saw her speaking with a man in a blue 1969/1970 Chevy or a 72 Ford Torino. Neither were confirmed.Later she was supposedly reported on the same street, but the car was not there.  

On Saturday December 13, 1975 two months after Shirley disappeared two men looking for beaver dams a mile below McDaniel Lake found a shallow grave. Inside was the body of Shirley Jane Rose. She had been strangled to death, the shirt used to strangle her was still tied around her neck.

In 1982 Judge Clough revealed some information he had acquired about the case he had gotten from a client when he was an attorney. He could not reveal who it was, but hopes they would come forward. His client had told him he had kidnapped the girl in hopes of trading her for drugs or drug money. The search for the girl came too soon and intense it caused him to panic and decide to kill her. He brought her to her grave, made her watch and let her know she was going to die. He then strangled the girl to death and buried her. There was more than one person involved.


October 20, 1967 Blendon Township, Michigan Jane Doe

On October 20, 1967, the body of a partially dressed African American girl in a wooded area near an intersection of 52nd and Fillmore of Blendon Township, west of Hudsonville, Michigan. It was estimated that the Jane Doe had died 4 days before.

She was an African American female estimated to be between 14 and 22 years old. She was estimated to be around 5'6 and 100 lbs. She had short (1- 2 inches) black hair and brown eyes. The right side of the face at the jawline had a hyper-pigmented scar, right side of neck had 3 scars about 2 cm each, on the left chest below the clavicle a 10 cm long scar extended towards the arm, and the rest of the scars upper right chest, the mid-chest, the lower chest, right hip, right outer thigh, and left thigh. Her liver indicated that she suffered from hepatitis. Her reproductive organs had evidence of gonorrhea.  There was no indication that she gave birth.

She was wearing two layers of pants. The outer pants were gold-colored ankle-length jeans that zipped up at the front and snapped at the waist. The bottom layer was pink cotton pants zipped up all the way on the left side and was too big for the girl. She was wearing men's grey socks that were not pulled all the way up. She wasn't wearing underwear and was using a makeshift sanitary napkin made out of newspaper.

From the clothing, she was wearing and the makeshift sanitary napkin it is possible that the Jane doe was a transient and or homeless.

Fingerprints are available elsewhere. DNA and Dentals are not available.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

April 18, 1973 Garnett, Kansas John Doe

On April 18, 1973, the decomposed remains of a white male were found in a shallow creek 180 ft from 1150 rd in Garnett, Kansas. It was likely that the remains were there for 2 to 4 weeks and he had possibly been beaten to death as they believe the cause of death was fractured to the skull. He may have been a hitchhiker.

He was a white male between the ages of 17 and 20. He was around 5'8 and 140 to 150 lbs. He had 5 inches long brown wavy hair. He was described as having a slender build. He still has lower baby teeth present. His left hand went missing postmortem.

He was wearing blue jeans with a stop sign patch symbol on the back left pocket, a black leather belt with a large buffalo nickel buckle, waist-length brown Sturdy Wear corduroy hack with a zipper closure (size Small), a green JC Penney long-sleeved button-up shirt (size Small), black leather gloves, and a navy blue stocking cap, blue socks, and brown Vomper hiking boots. He was wearing two gold rings with crosses, a third ring bearing the numbers “78”, and a silver chain with a large silver cross approximately 2 inches in length.

He has Dentals, DNA and Fingerprints on right hand available.



WANTED ECAP: Jane Doe 39

This Jane doe is searching for the identity of the woman as she may have information to the identity to a sexual assault child victim. The video happened in or before April of 2016. Jane Doe 39 is described as an Asian female between 25 and 35 years old with long black hair and was wearing a blue, white red and yellow floral dress. She may also be Vietnamese as she spoke it in the video.

She was head speaking Vietnamese in the video the FBI have a sample you can listen to it here.

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Disappearance Daniel Cantrell

On February 16, 2006 13 year old Daniel Cantrell who also went by Dee and Danny was believed to had runaway. He was last seen in Park Forest, Illinois. He may have stayed in the local area. There is not much information on his case.

Daniel is African American and was 13 year old at the time of his disappearance. At the time he was around 5'5 and 125 lbs. He had black hair and brown eyes. He has scars on his back and his left ear is pierced.

He has DNA available, but Fingerprints and Dentals are not.

Other Images:

Age Progression to 17

Age Progression to 23


1966 Baltimore, Maryland Three Baby Does

In Baltimore, Maryland there were 3 different cases of possible Infanticide in 1966. These three precious babies lives were taken from them before they were able to live it.

On May 24, 1966 a white infant male was found on the apartment complex property of Stafford Street Apartments. He had died within hours of  being found. He was 9 lbs and 19 inches. His hair and eye color is unknown. He was found with a blue garment, it is unknown what the garment was.

DNA is available, but not submitted.


On August 10, 1966  around 6:30 a.m. a male fetus was found in the Baltimore Harbor at Pier 1 on Pratt Street. He had been dead for days and race could not be determined. He was 14 inches and weighed 1 lb. Hair and eye color could not be determined.

DNA is available, but not submitted .


On August 21, 1966 an infant male was found on Central Avenue and Granby Street in a public area secreted in an enclosed object. He had been dead for hours. He was 19 inches and 7 lbs. He had short black hair, but race could not be determined. He was found in a pink be cover with a jack in the box pattern. A white wash cloth. A large size p.j. bottoms.


Monday, October 16, 2017

Disappearance of Luke Joly-Durocher

On March 4, 2011 20 year old Luke Joly-Durocher and his friends attended Cecil's Eatery and Beer Society in North Bay, Ontario, Canada shortly before midnight. He was denied entry because of his level of intoxication and his friends continued to the bar without him. He was last seen heading westbound on Main Street.

Luke was from Temiscaming, Quebec and lived at an apartment on 683 Sherbrooke Street.

Luke is a white male and was 20 years old at the time of her disappearance. He was around 5'8 and 150 lbs. He was described as having a slender/thin build. He had black curly hair and brown eyes. He has a scar on his right forearm, and his right forearm is thinner than his left.

Other Images:


Murder of Christy Lea Cuzzort Stephens

On October 1, 1990 14-year-old Christy Stephens was last seen at her home in Chattooga County, Georgia around 7:00 a.m by her family. Three weeks later her body was found in the woods 2 miles from her home. She had been murdered.

On the memorial page for Christy, she was described as being independent and protective.

I realize that her age is listed as 13, but she find a grave states she was 14 years old.


Sunday, October 15, 2017

Disapearance of Laura Maria Hernandez.

Sometime in December of 1980 25 year old Laura Maria Hernandez was never heard from again. She was last seen leaving her house in Clovis, New Mexico. There is very little information in this case.

Laura was 25 at the time of her disappearance. She was white/Hispanic. She was around 5'1 and 100 lbs. She had naturally dark brown hair, but dyed it blonde occasionally and she had brown eyes.

DNA is available, but Fingerprints and Dentals are not. 

Other Images:


Friday, October 13, 2017

Disappearance of Clarence Theodore Moore

In 1956 26 year old Clarence Theodore Moore was stationed at Fort Riley with the 16th infantry in Kansas. His family lived in West Virginia, his wife received a letter from a chaplin at Fort Riley. The letter stated the Clarence may have went AWOL and heading towards Canada and the FBI got involved. All of child allotment checks stopped. His social security was not used after 1956. His daughter claimed that she has evidence that her father was still around Fort Riley after his disappearance, but it was never proven.

He was a white male and was 5'8/5'9 and 160 lbs. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes.

He has DNA and Fingerprints available.


The Murders of Linda and Clifford Bernhardt *Solved*

On  March 25, 2019 The murderer of Linda and Clifford had been identified. A co-worker of Linda's Cecil Caldwell. He was identified through Parabon Nanolabs using GEDMatch.Caldwell died in 2003, and can't be tried for his crime.

On Tuesday November 07, 1973 June Reich, Linda's mother, lived near the couple and came to visit them that morning at their home on 1116 Dorthy Lane in Billings Height, Montana. The couple had only lived there for a few weeks. The door of the house was locked when June showed up. She had found the brutal scene of her daughter and son in laws murder. The 24 year olds didn't seem to have any known enemy's.

On the night of November 06, 1973 the two had been bound by hand and feet and strangled.It is believed that the sexual assault on Linda was the main motive. He may have brought in the

Clifford was found  laying in a pool of blood. Initially it was believed he died from the head wound, but after an autopsy was performed they found that he was also strangled to death. Linda was sexually assaulted and strangled to death in a different bedroom.

It is believed that the man had known the couple or at least one of them and had come over. He had fancied Linda and was determined to have her. Somehow he had gone to the bedroom with Clifford who was a Vietnam Veteran and bashed him over the head, bound him and then strangled him.

He then moved onto Linda and sexually assaulted her. He had also bound her hands and feet. Other bizarre acts may have been performed as a bowl of ice cubes was sitting next to her body. He had wrapped the cord around her neck several times and strangled her.

He opened up windows in both bedrooms and turned the furnace down all the way. The lowest temperature that night was 6 degrees. He then then took off all the binding and grabbed a suitcase from their home. He placed all of Linda's undergarments in the suitcase. He then left the house with the suitcase of undergarments and locked the door behind him. It is unknown what the binding was some newspapers reported that it was leather, but the police claim it's unknown.

DNA has been extradited, but there has been no match so far.

In November 2013, an anonymous person donated a $100,000 reward to someone who gives leads leading to an arrest and conviction.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

September 7, 1970 Henderson, Nevada Jane Doe

On September 7, 1970 a group of children were playing in a desert area 4 miles west of Henderson, Nevada on Power Line rd. found the skeletal remains of a woman. It appeared the woman had died from being struck on the head and then buried in a shallow grave. She might have died in 1969 to 1970.

She was a white female between the ages of 45 to 60 years old.  She was around 5'2 and may have weighed around 135 lbs. Her hair and eye color was undetermined. She was wearing jeans, sweater and bra and underwear.

She had DNA and Dentals available. Fingerprints are not available.


March 02, 1969 Clark County, Nevada John Doe

On March 2, 1969 the mummified body of an adult male was found in a Desert Area 6.4 miles north of the intersection of  Pabco and Kids Mine Rd in Clark County.  It was determined he had been there for several months and had mummified due to the conditions of the desert.

He was a white male between the ages of 40 to 70. He was around  6'1 and 185 lbs  He had brown hair and eye color could not be determined. He was wearing a large maroon pull-over Tony Lema golf sweater Grey trousers 33x29 and was wearing size 10 black shoes. He was also wearing a necklace with a small religious medallion that had a small plastic cover over a sunburst with a dove inscribed with "Come Holy Spirit, Enlighten Me."


May 17, 1967 Natchez, Mississippi Jane Doe

The partial skeleton of an adult African American woman was found near Natchez, Mississippi. She was estimated to have died within the last 6 months. She was estimated to be between the ages of 30 to 40. There is no estimated height or weight and no hair color or eye color. Her TMJ the part where her the Jaw meets the skull, showed signs of previous injury or pathology that had been there for some time.

Dentals are available, DNA has been submitted, but tests aren't complete. Fingerprints are unavailable.


Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Rendering of John Doe 30

Police is looking for information to identify this John Doe for ECAP. It is believed that this person has information of the health and welfare of three children. John Doe is the subject of criminal investigation and police became aware of him in September of 2006.

He is described as a white male between the ages of 30 and 45 years old. In 2006 he had short brown hair and trimmed mustached and beard.

I am aware that there are two other images of this John Doe. I do not feel comfortable posting them as I find them disturbing. They can be found in the following links.


Mathew Alan Wolf *Identified*

In Jan. of 2019 Covina John Doe has been Identified. He has been identified as Mathew Alan Wolf. 

On August 25, 1986, a young man was sitting under a call box on the Via Verde on-ramp in Covina, California. He then a short time later attempted to cross the I-10 freeway. During his attempt, he was hit by a vehicle, and this resulted in his death. The vehicle did flee the scene.

He was a Caucasian male between the ages of 11 to 20. He is believed to be in his teen though.  He had short blonde or strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. He was around 5'11 and 128 lbs. He was wearing white Jockey shorts, blue denim jeans, and high top tennis shoes. He had multiple dental restorations and fillings.


Disappearance of Austin Sparks

In Montgomery Creek, California 15 year old Austin Sparks was awake that morning due to his medication giving him problems sleeping on January 4, 2004. He woke his father up around 7:00 am. His father told him to go back to bed, but instead Austin went on a walk. His footprints in the snow showed he walked a mile to Acorn Cafe. An employee said that Austin came in twice. He was last seen outside the Cafe between 9:30 and 10:00 am.

At this time Austin was attending a special needs school in Redding, California. His mother had passed away in 1997 and he was raised by his father. Austin was a champion hacky-sack player at both world and state level.s He also enjoyed skateboarding and it was believed that he was heading to Redding State Park even though he had neither his skateboard or hacky-sack

At this time him and his father were supposed to go on a vacation, but due to the weather their plans were changed. Austin was disappointed, but it isn't believed he ran away. His foot prints were easily followed due to his unique shoe. His shoes lead up to the Pitt River in a remote and rugged area where it was difficult for even the police to get to. His father believed that he may have became disoriented and ended up there. Austin may have fallen into the River and drowned.

Austin was described as being a shy, intelligent, and withdrawn kid. He wasn't gullible, but his personality made slight changes after he started taking a new medicine. He had become more talkative and outgoing and his father believed he may have been more gullible and trusting of people.

Austin is a white male and was 15 years old at the time of his disappearance. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He was 5'0 and 115 lbs at the time of his disappearance. Austin suffered from sever emotional issues, he was taking medication for it daily, this included antidepressants. He'd been taking it for the last 3 years. He did not have his medicine with him. He was wearing black and grey Globe skater shoes with an unique pattern on the bottom, brown or blue sweatpants, and a black or dark blue sweat shirt.


Urban Legend: Kuchisake Onna or The Slit Mouth Woman

If you're wandering down the streets of Japan and meet a woman with a surgical mask on asking "Am I pretty?" think twice about your answers to her questions. It might be Kuchisake Onna or the Slit Mouthed Woman and she might not have good plans for you.

The legend starts with a beautiful woman who had a jealous husband. He was convinced that his beautiful wife must be cheating on him. So he did the unspeakable so that she wouldn't be attractive to anyone else. In a fit of rage he slit her mouth ear to ear it resulted in her death and she came back as a vengeful spirit.

She would wear a surgical mask, which is not uncommon in Japan. She will stop a lone child and ask them a simple question.

"Am I pretty?"

There are two ways the child could answer. A no will result in her cutting them in half with her large scissors. 

A yes will result in Kushisake Onna taking off her mask revealing her large torn smile and asking another simple question. 

"How about Now?"

A No will once again result in death. She will cut off your head with the scissors. 

A yes will result in a smile of your own that she will create with her large scissors. 

If you run there is no way you'd survive as she will chase you down. Every time you turn around she will be behind you. Then she will reappear in front of you and cut you in half.  There is almost no way to escape from the slit-mouthed woman.

There is one way however you can survive without injury. When she asks her first question, "Am I pretty?" You answer with a neutral answer for example "You're so and so." or distract her with candy or money she will become confused and you will be able to escape. 

It's believed that the legend of Kuchisake-onna started during Japan's Edo Period (1603-1867). She is described as a malevolent spirit. She is typically seen partially covering her face, particularly her mouth or another item. She is usually carrying sharp items like scissors. She has long straight black hair, pale skin, and is beautiful except for her slit mouth. 


Monday, October 9, 2017

What Is ECAP?

On Feb. 21, 2004 the FBI began the Endangered Child Alert Program (ECAP). ECAP was created to help find and convict people involved with the act of sexual assault on a child and or the production of child pornography. This is a collaborative effort between the FBI and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. The people on this list the John/Jane Does are images of the pedophiles that was taken from child pornography. Finding the identities of these people will help save their victims and prevent them from continuing their sick acts.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Murder of Tonya K Teske

18-year-old Tonya K. Teske lived in Shoshoni a small town in Wyoming. She lived a troubled life. In 1995 she quit school and began hitchhiking between her Mom's home and being on the road. She hitchhiked around Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana.  She was estranged with her family falling in and out of contact with them.

On August 10, 1997, Tonya had left her home town hitchhiking. She was headed towards Casper and had been seen with at least 4 men in there 50's when she left. She also mentioned that she was going to Salt Lake City. She had previously died her hair an orange/blonde and wore silver jewelry.

On August 13, 1997, at 10 p.m.Tonya was last seen carrying a large green suitcase and brown shoulder bag at the Cinnamon Lodge in Montana. She was being questioned by police about soliciting sex over the CB radio. She claimed that she had done it as a joke. At the time they found out that she had a warrant for forgery in Utah, but they weren't willing to extradite her, so they let her go.

On August 15, 1997, a trucker's wife riding shotgun spotted a girl's nude body in the high grass on the highway 20 ramp near Ucon, Idaho. The only thing she was wearing was a pearl ring. It took more than a week to identify her as no one had reported her missing. Her cause of death was a mystery, but it is believed to be a homicide from the way her body was found.


August 24, 1969 Howardsville, Virginia John Doe

Hurricane Camille hit America between August 14 and August 22. It was the second most intense Hurricane that America had seen. On August 19 it made it's way to Virginia. It was considered one of Virginias worst natural disasters. It is no surprise that people lost their life during it.

A man was found floating on Rockfish River in Howardsville, Virginia. His death was caused from the Floods caused by Hurricane Camille. The young man was believed to be a white male between 15 to 19 years old. He was around 5'6 and 155 lbs. He had straight brown hair and blue eyes and a blonde and sparse mustache.He had high cheek bones and was circumcised. It showed evidence that he bit his nails.

Dentals are available, but DNA and Fingerprints are not.


Saturday, October 7, 2017

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allan Poe is one of most known Author’s of America. He was a poet, writer, critic, and editor that  Many of his short stories and poems haunted the minds of the readers. He’s even credited with giving birth to the detective story.  He’s even inspired many like Alfred Hitchcock.His poems and stories have even been adapted into film and T.V. Poe even wrote a poem that the Baltimore Ravens were named after.

Born on January 19, 1809 in Boston, Massachusetts, but was raised in Richmond Virginia. It’s not surprising that Poe’s young life was not shy from death at an early age.Before he was 3 years old both of his parents had died, his first love  died when he was 15 and his foster mother when he was 20.

Poe did not know his parents and  was separated from his brothers and sisters after their mother had died. He was sent to live with John and Frances Valentine Allan who were tobacco merchants. They never officially adopted Poe.He had went to good school and grew up in a good environment. But John and Poe did not get along, but Frances and him did. John did not like the fact that Poe wasn’t following in the family business and wanted to do literature.

When Poe was 6 he was sent for schooling in England. He returned to America when he was 11.

By the time Poe was 13 he was considered a prolific poet. Both his foster father and head master tried to discourage him. Neither could as he focused on his poetry. It was rumored that Poe even wrote poetry on the back of his foster father's paperwork.

By the time he was an adult Poe did not mend his relationship with his father. Poe had gotten into the University of Virginia in 1826. Poe was a great student who excelled in his classes, but did not get enough money from Allan to pay for everything. In order to help Poe turned to gambling, but it backfired causing him to go into debt. This was also the time that Poe started to drink excessively.

When he returned home he found that his fiance Sarah Elmira Royster was engaged to someone else. This made Poe decide to move to Boston and join the military. In 1827 Poe published his first poem book called Tamerlane and Other Poems. In 1829 he published his second collection of poems called Al Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor Poems.

In 1829 Poe was honorably discharged from the military. He had acquired the label regimental sergeant major. Poe’s father refused to give him the money to stay a cadet, and when Poe began to ignore his duties and violating regulations the military discharged him. Some think that he did it to spite his father.

He then went to New York City where he published his third poem book Poems in 1831. Poe then moved to Baltimore to live with his Aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia. Poe was not rich and could not sustain himself on his own. Even after his father’s death in 1834 he wasn’t left with anything extravagant. In 1835 though Poe found a job at the Southern Literary Messenger as an editor in Richmond, Virginia. Poe brought with him his Aunt and his 12 year old cousin. While being an editor he published many of his own poems and stories.

In 1836 when he was 26 he married his 13 year old cousin Virginia. The two were first cousins when Poe started to live with His Aunt Maria Clemm and Virginia he began doting on her. She eventually became inspiration and a love interest. It was not uncommon at the time for first cousins to marry.

In the late 1830’s and 1840’s Poe’s works began to get more attention, but he didn’t make much profit from his works. He started editing for Burton’s Gentleman’s Magazine and Graham’s Magazine in Philadelphia and the Broadway Journal in New York City.

Sadly on January 30, 1847 Virginia died from a 5 year long battle with tuberculosis. She was 24 years old. This affected Poe deeply. He was reported to not want to see his wife’s face dead and would had wanted to remember seeing her as alive. Not having a picture of her he hired a painter to paint her.

On October 3, 1849 Poe was found wandering the streets of Baltimore delirious. He was brought to Washington Medical Hospital. It was found out that he was not wearing his own clothes. It was said that Poe was never coherent enough to say what had happened to him.

On October 7, 1849 at the age 40 years old Poe met with death and like many of his poems and stories it’s a mystery.
At the time Newspapers claimed that it was congestion of the brain from his alcoholism. In reality no one is sure how he had died. There are many theories on what had happened.

Some think it might have been caused from a beating, or epilepsy, or even Alcohol poisoning and many more theories. Even one theory is that he was a victim of electoral fraud which citizens force people to vote repeatedly for a candidate. They make the person change their clothes and force them to vote for a certain candidate which would had accounted for him not wearing his own clothes.It can sometimes lead to violence and sometimes death.

And the man who wrote about mysteries death involved a large mystery.


Friday, October 6, 2017

Murder of Jolene Hass

22 year old Jolene Hass grew up in Iowa. She had met A.J. Rippatoe in Ft. Dodge, Iowa. they both eventually moved to Sioux City, Iowa. This was where Jolene began to do prostitution. She was deep in drug culture and the local outlaw motorcycle gangs. She eventually became an informant that testified against many people including A.J. Rippatoe.

In 1975 Jolene was supposed to testify against several suspects in the fall of 1975. She was then moved to Sturgis where she had been beaten and raped by 3 unknown males trying to buy drugs from her. Two days after the rape they moved her to the Delroy motel in Rapid City, South Dakota. She was then going by Jolene Schutt and was working for the police department for 3 months.

On November 10, 1975 Hass was found murdered in her motel room by a a RCPD detective and DCI agent to check on their witness. She was stabbed multiple times with possibly a switchblade.The knife was not found, the  rope she was strangled with was found around her neck. The found that she eaten right before her death. They think that when she went out to eat that she may had been noticed by someone.

At first they did not reveal the nature of her death and what she had done, because they hoped someone would brag about killing a narc. At least one of the investigators believed that it was a hired killing by one of the people she was informing against.

There was one person who claimed to have murdered Hass for money, but when confronted they said they didn't. They also took a polygraph that confirmed this. Then in 1977 another suspect of this case was found buried in cornfield. He was killed by James Cowell, who was part of the El Forestos Motorcycle Gang, was prosecuted for the suspects murder along with the murder of his girlfriend and two mechanics.

 This case remains unsolved.

SOURCES: (Article of a case against Janice Ivory that Jolene Hass was an informant on. Case happened in 1974, but trial happened in 1976.)

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Disappearance of Joe S. Miller

Joe S. Miller was a father of 8 and was survived by his wife.  He was working at the Cedar Rapids Central Power company. While working on the Dam on June 08, 1940 the ice jam on the bridge gave way while he was working on a gate. It cause Joe to lose balance and fall into the icy waters below. They believe that his head was struck on the way down.His body was searched for, but never found.

Joe was a 42/43 year old white male. He was 5 to 5'4 ft tall and weighed around 165 to 185 lbs. He had brown short hair it is unknown what his eye color is. A family member claimed that he suffered from a gum disease that was causing his teeth to fall out or be pulled.

He had DNA available, but Fingerprints and Dentals are not.


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...