Friday, September 15, 2017

Bill, March 25, 1976 Highland Park, Michigan Jane Doe

Reconstruction of Bill

She had been partying at and passed out at a private residence in Highland Park. The residents of the house were unable to wake the girl. She was then transported to Detroit Osteopathic Hospital where she had been pronounce dead. Unfortunately no one knew who this girl was as they had met her earlier that day.

The little info they had was that they had picked her up on the 7 Mile in Detroit. She had went by the name Bill and was a runaway from an Ohio youth home. Other than that there was nothing known about Bill.

She was a white female estimated to have been between 15 and 25. She had weighed 150 lbs and was around 5'8. She had brown hair that went to her shoulders. Her eye colors were described as a blue/green. She was wearing a black or dark gray shirt in size 42, black and white checkered slacks size 32 and maroon socks. Some of her upper teeth did overlap. There was no cavities and no fillings.

She doesn't have DNA on file, but does have Dentals and Fingerprints on file.

Some names that a nick name like Bill could come from is Sybil, Billie/Billy, Willow, Wilhelmina, ect. It could be that none of these were her birth name, and Bill was her actual name and or she just liked being called Bill.

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