Tuesday, September 5, 2017

September 5, 1977 Granby, Connecticut John Doe

On September 5, 1977, in Granby Connecticut, a man was found on the side of Enders Road at Enders State Park. He had died earlier that day from a skull fracture. He was a white male that was estimated to be between 18 and 30. He was estimated to be 5'7 and 140 lbs. He had a thin build. His blood type was B+.

He had long black/brown hair with blonde roots held in a ponytail. He had a thin medium mustached and a 4-inch braided goatee. His eye color was brown. He had a vaccination scar on his upper left arm. He had multiple scars on the left area of his chest. Two of them were irregular comma-shaped scars. A rounded scar on his knee. Near his right ear, he had a mole.

He wore a white knit long-sleeved button-down shirt with patterns of rust and green buildings blue rectangular structures, brown motor vehicles, and people dressed in various styles in a size medium. , and a white T-shirt with "FERGUSON" printed on it. He also wore yellow corduroy Levis. There were no shoes or socks found with the body.

DNA, Fingerprints, and Dentals are all available.

https://identifyus.org/cases/10037   Warning Postmortem Picture

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