Wednesday, February 13, 2019

February 9, 1953 Wilmington, California 4 Hispanic John Does

On Feb. 9, 1953 a car loader checked a tank-type car of the Southern Pacific Railway. He found four bodies inside. The car had left Texaco Oil Company in Wilmington, California on Jan. 28, 1953 and was unloaded in Tuscon on Feb. 2, 1953. On the same day, it was sent back to Wilmington and the car arrived on Feb. 6, 1953. It's believed that they had been dead to up to a week.

John Doe 1 Age 35 to 45

John Doe 1 is a Hispanic male between 35 and 45 years old. He was 5'10" and 155 lbs. He was wearing a tan leather sheep lined jacket, a blue shirt, brown slacks, blue socks, and black shoes.


John Doe 2 Age 45 to 55 

John Doe 2 is a Hispanic male between the ages of 45 to 55 years old. He was 5'7" and 134 lbs. He had black hair. He was wearing a tan zippered jacket, red and white shirt, khaki pants and black field boots.


John Doe 3 Age 35 to 45 

John Doe 3 is a Hispanic male between 35 and 45 years old. He was 5'9" and 112 lbs. He had black hair. He was wearing a grey jacket, a blue shirt, blue Levi pants, black socks, and black shoes.


John Doe 4 Age 35 to 45

John Doe 4 is a Hispanic male between 35 and 45 years old. He was 5'2" and 105 lbs. He had black hair. He was wearing blue Levis, black shoes, brown coat and tan shirt.


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March 28, 1925 Milwaukee, Wisconsin John Doe

On March 28, 1925, the body of a man was found at Lake Michigan, foot of Park Place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's believed he accidental...