Thursday, December 26, 2019

Murder of Avery Vernie "Peaches" Shorts

On December 26, 1980, 6-year-old Avery "Peaches" Shorts left her home in Knoxville, Tennessee with 58 cents in her pocket. She planned to get a soft drink with it. Before she left the home her mother, Hazel Smith, made sure her coat was buttoned up and her shoes were tied. Peaches then told her mother "Mama, I love you" before leaving to get a soft drink around 3:30 p.m. Peaches never made it back home though.

A few minutes before she left Mitch Reed came to the home. He asked Hazel if he could move in with her. Hazel stated she'd think about it. He was irritated about the rejection and knew she spent the night before with another man. She asked if she can borrow some money so Peaches can get a soda. He left 58 cents on the table and left.

 The two weren't dating, but he wanted to. He spent the summer driving her and her kids around and spent money on clothes and a camera. At one point she told him she lost those items. He once had asked her out and when he was rejected he'd muttered something along the lines of getting even.

On the way to the store which was a 15 minute round trip Peaches stopped and played and by 5, she got to the store. Her mother states that she talked to the store and they stated she got there around 5 and 50 minutes later she called the police. A search ensued, but signs of the 6-year-old couldn't be found.

A little over a year later on Jan. 23, 1982 Peaches body was found buried under a cattle chute off of Singleton Station Rd. in Blount County. It was believed that she was first strangled by hand and then had the wire wrapped around her neck to either finish up the job or to make sure she was dead. The wire was believed to have been found by the killer where her body was buried. Her coat was still buttoned up and the hair ties were still in her hair it's not believed that the murderer sexually abused her.

Police only had the suspect and that was Mitch Reed. Her body was found a 15-minute drive from her home and a mile from his parent's home. There was no evidence though that could convict. He was also a suspect in the 1979 strangulation murder of 62-year-old Emma Brewer. Her case is also still unsolved.

Knoxville Tennessee 
Knox News

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